As a teenager I was member of a local scouts tribe. We did a lot of activities which are now would be best described as „Friday for future movement“. Personally, I do remember lots of activities, where we actually picked litter or raised money for saving whales but we did go to school every Friday and even Saturdays (okay, not all but at least every other). Well, we had plenty of time, once a handful of TV programs, not internet, no smartphones – I think Lithium batteries were not developed by that time either. I had to go to school by bike without electrical support. Please don’t get me wrong! I do not want to complain.
When I planned my sabbatical I tried to find something what I could do to give it back to the nature. I have a splendid life, a healthy and very warm-hearted family, really good friends who I can rely on, a good job with a respectable income. So, it is about time to be grateful and give back a little and contribute to keep the beauty of the path and the coastline. I will try to find find plastic bottles and cans along the path, collect it and take it to the nearest litter or even recycling bin. I tried it the first couple of days on my journey and it gives some kind of satisfaction. I really want to encourage you to do the same, especially if you are somewhere in the nature ind the woods – if you see objects like bottles or cans which do not belong to the nature, take them to the next village. I have a bin bag in my pocket to be able to collect and carry those objects. If you like the idea than I want to encourage you to join my „keep it a PERRANDISE movement“ – we only have this one world to live on.

There are lots of bins close to beaches, nobody should through something in the ocean. But what gets on the beach has often travelled long ways over the oceans and finally found a beach where activists like Surfers Against Sewage will pick it together with the help of thousands of volunteers. I saw beaches which are not in reach of a car park. Lots of garbage washed up and storm distributed into the surrounding plants and bushes.
Well, sometimes there are bins and even separation for recycling but sometimes signs with the a nice invitation to take your trash back home are shown instead.

I do not want to get to deep into the pollution thing here. I would rather ask you to help raising or giving money for activists like Surfers Against Sewage. I will put a link for donations below and under each video. Thank your for your willingness to support.