16.03.2022: The forecast app was right! It rained in the morning hours. Not constantly but enough that it was the right choice to wear the waterproof gear.
I decided to do a long stretch today which forced me to get up early and start walking the SWCP route through Plymouth. This was already almost 15km! The remaining coast path to Wembury was easy. All in all it was nothing challenging on that route but the majority of miles I had to walk on asphalt which kills my feet always! I don’t really like that. I would have put some trainers on but I was not sure about the remaining part and also those trainers are not really waterproof. It was a good choice to put on the lightweight Meindl boots to walk today’s section.
But as my mood in the morning was not very positive (rain, walking in town, early) I decided to hear an audio book. Actually I have a huge audible library and I hoped I could hear a couple of books during my journey but I did not really feel like listening to a book when I can hear the sound of the ocean! But for today it was certainly the best choice – especially as I was faced with loud traffic noise. And I got some new learning from that book which gives me new thoughts to think about during the next days.
Not to forget about my little friend. I chained it yesterday on a parking place in Wembury. Today it was waiting for me to get ridden back to my van in Plymouth. I think I did enough exercises for today!
Unfortunately I did not take a lot of interesting pictures today but below you can still find an assorted collection of photographs. Please click to enlarge if you want. Below are my Komoot Tour Details, the Relive Summary Video and two Timewarp Videos.
Good Bye Devon, see you on my way back on the northern part of the SWCP. BTW I exceeded 210 miles, i.e. I have done 1/3 of the complete path. Congrats to myself 🙂
Ein Drittel geschafft und du siehst echt entspannt aus! Tolle Fotos! Genieß es weiterhin!
Danke mein Schatz, das bin ich auch 🙂